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Welcome to my sketch diary, which is a livejournal as you can see.  I keep this updated and post bits about what I'm working on, updates, and sketchies from my sketchbook that you probably won't see elsewhere in this site.  If you're curious about what I'm working on now, this is the place to find out.  Please leave comments if you like.

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Graphics, Content, Artwork © Copyright 1989-2005, Jennie Seay
All Rights Reserved - ask for permission before using anything on this page

Huge thanks to the many talented people who can code and provide their stuff online for people like me. :-)
Credit goes to:

Greymatter mods:
Moe Figit's stats mod
David Beckemeyer's anti-spam comments hack
Also, thanks to the Greymatter forums for helping me over the years.
Javascript and CSS code snippets from The JavaScript Source and Hypergurl.
DHTML menu by Milonic found at Dynamic Drive.
Some quotes found at Famous Quotations.

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